CPC = Certificate of Practical Completion
is issued by the architect (Superintendant Officer (SO)) to the main contractor when the architect is satisfy with all the physical works being completed in the building. for some development, CPC might includes getting all the supporting documents from all relevant authority for the application of CF (Certificate of Fitness) such as bomba, tnb, syabas, TM, local council (forgotten how many departments in total), JPS (road and drainage), IWK (sewerage) and a few more.
upon CPC, the main contractor will be able to claim for the release of 1st moeity - the 2.5% of the 5% retention sum
VP = Vacant Possesion
is issued by the SO to the project (developer) when all the conditions of CPC have been satisfied. upon VP, all the infra and amenities have to be ready for connection but not necessarly the meter is physically there (eg TNB meter, syabas water meter)
Developer can hand over key to purchaser and thus start the countdown of defect liabilities period and LAD date is the VP date. VP is issued upon submission of Borang E to the local authorities to obtain Certificate of Fitness (CF) with all the supporting documents from all the relevant authorities as mentioned above in CPC. upon VP, developer will claim for the 12.5% from you/your bank. NO, you cannot do any renovation to your units yet!
CF = Certificate of Fitness
Upon submission of Borang E, the local authority will have to reply within 14 days (i'm not sure it's all the same for all local authorities yet but MBPJ and MPKJ is practising this) whether to accept or reject the application of CF. Among the conditions required is, all relevant parties recommendation letter (surat sokongan) again, refer to CPC, and also their own (local authorities) various dept inspection, namely Building Dept, Planning Dept, Road & drainage, landscaping, streetlighting, safety & health, etc etc. all depts have to approve b4 u get ur CF! in the event any of the depts do not issue surat sokongan to the said development, the local authority will reject the application within that 14 days and the developer have to go thru the whole process again from submitting a fresh copy of Borang E. (this is usually the part where the developer always have problem of obtaining CF)
CMGD = certificate of making good practise
is issued by the SO after they're satisfied with the making good of defects once the defect liability period expired. contractor get their 2.5% 2nd moeity upon issuance of CMGD you or the bank also have to pay 2.5% to the developer.
CCC = Certificate of Completion and Compliance
if the DO for a certain development have been approved or issued prior to 13 April 2007, the whole development will still go thru the old process (VP, CF)
timeline as follows...
3 months b4 VP, tnb, syabas, tmb (telekom) submission, hence the deposite for the meters. but then again, most developers dun collect from buyers, will come out upfront themself and collect only during VP/key collection
CPC should be around the same time with VP... meaning that the SO is already satisfy with the site condition and all the supporting documents (surat sokongan) have been obtain in order for submission of Borang E for CF.
the earliest timeframe that u can get CF is 14 days after VP. usually even if they have verbally approved and all the supporting documents are there, the developers should be able to get their CF cert within 1-3 months time depending on how good their connection is with the authority. This also depends on whether they provide sufficient brown envelope to all the relevant parties during inspection and obtaining surat sokongan.
CMGD = defect liability period... some projects 18 months, some more.
hope it helps... and correct me if i'm wrong
Pada suatu hari Rasulullah SAW pulang dari perjalanan jihad fisabilillah. Beliau pulang diiringi para sahabat. Di depan pintu gerbang kota Madinah nampak Aisyah r.a sudah menunggu dengan penuh kangen. Rasa rindu kepada Rasulullah SAW sudah sangat terasa.
Akhirnya Rasulullah SAW tiba juga ditengah kota Madinah. Aisyah r.a dengan suka-cita menyambut kedatangan suami tercinta. Tiba Rasulullah SAW dirumah dan beristirahat melepas lelah. Aisyah dibelakang rumah sibuk membuat minuman untuk Sang suami.
Lalu minuman itupun disuguhkan kepada Rasulullah SAW. Beliau meminumnya perlahan hingga hampir menghabiskan minuman tersebut. Tiba-tiba Aisyah berkata “Yaa Rasulullah biasanya engkau memberikan sebagian minuman kepadaku tapi kenapa pada hari ini tidak kau berikan gelas itu?”.
Rasulullah SAW diam dan hendak melanjutkan meminum habis air digelas itu. Dan Aisyah bertanya lagi, “Yaa Rasulullah biasanya engkau memberikan sebagian minuman kepadaku tapi kenapa pada hari ini tidak kauberikan gelas itu?”
Akhirnya Rasulullah SAW memberikan sebagian air yang tersisa di gelas itu. Aisyah r.a meminum air itu dan ia langsung kaget terus memuntahkan air itu. Ternyata air itu terasa asin bukan manis.
Aisyah baru tersadar bahwa minuman yang ia buat dicampur dengan garam bukan gula. Kemudian Aisyah r.a langsung meminta maaf kepada Rasulullah.
Itulah sebagian dari banyaknya kemuliaan akhlak Rasulullah SAW. Dia memaklumi kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh istrinya, tidak memarahinya atau menasihatinya dengan kasar.
Rasulullah SAW memberi kita teladan bahwasanya akhlak yang mulia bisa kita mulai dari lingkungan terdekat dengan kita. Sebuah hadits menyebutkan, “Lelaki yang paling baik di antara kalian adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya kepada isterinya”. Semoga kita diberi taufik untuk bisa meneladani akhlak Rasulullah SAW.
Sangat cantik pemandangan sawah padi terbentang luas. Tapi sampai bila pemandangan sebegini dapat kita nikmati. Adakah 10 tahun lagi kita masih berpeluang untuk nikmati semua ni?. Masyaallah...kalau pembangunan lebih membutuhi segalanya, mungkin tak samapai setahun lagi kawasan ni tak akan jadi bendang padi lagi. Kita sama-sama perhatikan. Inchaallah....
Melihat gambar ini mengingatkan aku semasa awal-awal aku mula berhijrah dulu. Sungguh menjerihkan bila diingat. Tak mahu lagi kembali ke zaman tu. Amat kasihan dengan anak dan bini yang turut tempias zaman susah aku. Jauh dari keluarga membuat kami amat berdikari. Pengalaman yang sangat berharga untuk kami.
Ingin sekali aku kembali ke tempat yang pernah mengajar kami erti susah dahulu. Tapi bukan untuk kembali melalui jalan-jalan sedih dulu. Inchaallah akan aku segerakan niat aku tu. Semoga dengan perjalanan tu nanti akan membuatkan kami tambah kuat dalam mengharungi hidup yang masih berbaki ini. Inchaallah....
Tak ada apa yang paling membahagiakan ibubapa selain dari melihat anak-anak bahagia melalui hidupnya. Tak pernah pula diimpikan mana-mana ibubapa dalam dunia ni yang sanggup memerhati anak-anak mereka melalui jalan yang susah walaupun jalan itulah yang pernah dilalui mereka dahulu. Kasih umi dan abi pada kamu sangat mulia wahai anak-anakku.
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